Saturday, November 21, 2015

What Makes Humans Bad? {Natural Sciences}

What Makes Liars "Bad"?

"Composition with Chemistry and
Science Symbols. ZIP Includes
Getty Images. N.p., n.d.
Web. 21 Nov. 2015.

My inquiry into the theme “What makes humans ‘bad’?” has now arrived at the analysis of the natural sciences.  Disciplines within the natural sciences can include biology, chemistry and physics, however there are many sub-branches that are also used to conduct research.  Academic studies based on natural sciences can help us understand how the laws of nature can affect human behavior.

Previous inquiries into the humanities have determined that humans perhaps are born “bad” (Hobbes), become “bad” based on life experiences (Locke), can become bad.  The social sciences have furthered my understanding that we cannot assign blame when looking at the root causes of human behavior.  Now, with natural science, I can connect these ideas to how a neurological disorder can affect human behavior.

What Research Tells Us About Pathological Liars  

A study assessing pathologicallying was discussed in one of our knowledge fairs this past week.  Lying is considered to be a “bad” behavior by most people, however this study raises the question of whether people are conscious when lying.  This study reviewed the neuropsychological correlation to pathological lying.  The subject/patient of the study was a fifty-seven year old man who had undergone drastic personality changes over three years.  His family members reported that he had become a pathological liar over a short period of time.  The frequency and extent of his lies caused him to not be able to hold on to a steady job.  Still, despite the effects his lying had on his life, he did not seem to be aware that he was lying. 

Anosognosia is also known as lack 
of awareness of illness (low insight).  
In the image above, brain scans of someone
with Anosognosia (low insight) are 
compared with brains scans of someone 
with high insight (no Anosognosia).  The 
findings revealed that people with Anosognosia
have a different pattern of blood flow in the brain.
("The Anatomical Basis of Anosognosia - 
Backgrounder - Treatment Advocacy Center." 
The Anatomical Basis of Anosognosia - 
Backgrounder - Treatment Advocacy 
Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2015.)

Why the Sudden Behavioral Change?

Researches ruled out any “history of head trauma, loss of consciousness, seizures, or previous contacts with mental health providers.”  The patient underwent a neuropsychological examination, which revealed a “pattern of behavioral alteration.”  Test results indicated that he may suffer from behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia,  which is “characterized by early and progressive changes in personality, emotional blunting and/or loss of empathy” ("Behavioral Variant FTD (bvFTD)," 2015).     

Case Study Revealed a Correlation Between Neuroscience and Human Behavior

The ultimate findings revealed that, in some cases, pathological lying may stem from a neurodegenerative disorder.  The patient had a brain that was considered physically normal.  Testing also revealed the presence of Anosognosia—characterized by a patient’s inability to recognize symptoms of a disability.    

The following video analyzes 
the science behind lying.  Skip to 4:44 
to see what studies on white matter 
and gray matter have revealed about 
pathological liars.  

Are Pathological Liars “Bad”?

Just as previous knowledge domains have done, natural science has seemed to “muddy the water” of my prior mere true beliefs about what it makes humans “bad.”  Natural science based research tells us that pathological liars are not necessarily bad people, but rather lying is a symptom of an underlying neurodegenerative disorder.  Does this mean that other behaviors that humans categorize as “bad” can be a symptom of an undiagnosed disorder?  Does greed, for example, qualify as a legitimate “bad” behavior?  Our Knowledge Fair presenter, Kevin Glenn, put it best: “Can anyone be held accountable for anything?”  It is looking like the answer to this question may be getting closer to an unequivocal “no.”


Behavioral Variant FTD (bvFTD). (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from
Hobbes, T., & Gaskin, J. (1998). Leviathan. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Locke, J. (1689). Essay concerning human understanding (38th ed.). London: Tegg.
Poletti, M., Borelli, P., & Bonuccelli, U. (2011). The neuropsychological correlates of pathological lying: Evidence from behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurology J Neurol, 258(11), 2009-2013.

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