Sunday, October 25, 2015

What Makes Humans Bad? {Humanities}

Are We Born "Bad" or Do We Become "Bad"?

My understanding of the humanities has evolved into something much larger than I ever gave it credit for.  I used to think that people who study humanity disciples, such as philosophy, had it all figured out.  Little did I know that my pursuit for knowledge in the humanities would leave feeling so perplexed. 

There have been many who claim to know what makes humans bad.  Two of the most prominent modern philosophers—"modern" in comparison to Sophocles—Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, held strong beliefs about the nature of man.  According to Locke, all men are born without innate principles, but rather as “white paper” or tabula rasa (Locke, 1689)By this, Locke was saying that human were not born with “bad” tendencies, but were shaped by experiences which would lead them towards becoming a “good” or “bad” human being.  In contrast, Hobbes believed that all men had war-like tendencies and were programmed to fight (Hobbes, 1651).  In order to keep peace and order, Hobbes believed that men needed one man or a group of men to hold authority over all others. 

I have a problem with both Locke’s and Hobbes’ assertions.  First, the idea that all humans are a blank slate when they are born is questionable.  If we all agree that we are born as a blank slate, are we not also saying then that humans are born without a soul?  Furthermore, there are many other angles we can analyze this perspective from; biology, psychology, and sociology may also disprove this theory.  I have a harder time disputing Hobbes theories (perhaps I am not as optimistic as I initially thought I was?).  It is hard to argue that men are not violent in nature, when humanity’s history is wrought in war and violence.  The problem with Hobbes’ perspective is that it does not explain the many human anomalies.  We cannot say all humans are bad when we have had “good” people such as Anne Frank, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and so many more.

The conflicting opinions of Locke and Hobbes—can we call them propositions when they contradict each other?—lead me to my current understanding of the humanities: the ability to look at humanity with a skeptical mind, to constantly ask questions, and know that there may never be a definitive answer.  (More on this perspective here).  Thus, I have come to the conclusion that I am absolutely certain that I am uncertain whether humans are born “bad” or “good.”  Thanks a lot for bursting my bubble, Hobbes and Locke!

In light of my mere true belief that all humans are born good, I can surmise that Locke may have agreed with my opinion of why people become bad.  This leads me to the age-old theme in storytelling: Man vs. Himself.  We see this theme again and again TV shows such as Dexter, Hannibal, Bates Motel and Breaking Bad.  Protagonists, such as the ones on these shows captivate audiences into rooting for the bad guy.  In fact, their characters are so complex that they make us question if they were ever bad to begin with.

Walter White, the protagonist on Breaking Bad, was by all definitions a “good” guy.  He “breaks” bad after his terminal cancer diagnosis, in other words, when he realizes he has nothing left to lose.  Hobbes fans might say “doesn’t that mean that Walter was bad to begin with, and he only reverted to his true nature of ‘badness’ once he realized his place in society was fleeting?” And perhaps this is correct.  I believe that Mr. White was born “good”; circumstance is what finally broke him.  In all his years of being a doormat, Mr. White was left in the dust, while his peers went on to live successful lives.  Thus, when he got the cancer diagnosis, he decided to take control of his life, and in doing so became consumed with power.  In the end, he even admits to Skyler that he did it (became Heisenberg) for himself. 

 Does this scene give evidence that Hobbes was right about
the nature of man?  Does Walter's confession that he broke bad for 
himself mean he was born bad?  Or does it reinstate Locke's
 argument that our experiences mold who we become?  Perhaps Walter 

realized that leading a "good" life led to an unexceptional life.


18 Babies So Evil They Will Haunt Your Dreams Tonight. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from
Hobbes, T., & Gaskin, J. (1998). Leviathan. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Locke, J. (1689). Essay concerning human understanding (38th ed.). London: Tegg. 
Political Philosophy And Role Of Government, State Of Nature vs. Natural Rights. Thomas Hobbes Leviathan and John Locke's Social Contract Theory. - In Depth analysis. (2015, May 28). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from
Popped Culture: I Am The One Who Knock-Diddly-Ocks. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from
Socrates Quote. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from

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